Compared: .17 HMR and .22 WMR
Savage 17 Series Model 93R17-BTV Bolt Action Rimfire Rifle.17 HMR 21' Barrel 5. Savage 17 Series Model 93R17-BTV Bolt Action Rimfi. Our Low Price $424.20. Browning’s T-Bolt offers a unique.17 HMR experience with the only straight pull action on the market. A patented 10 round rotary magazine with the Grade 1 black walnut stock includes sling swivel studs and a plastic butt plate. The rifle is drilled and tapped for the addition of any number of appropriate scopes.
By Chuck Hawks
The .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire (WMR), often referred to simply as the '.22 Magnum,' has been the most powerful rimfire cartridge on the market since it was introduced back in 1959. And, in terms of muzzle energy, it still is.
But there is a new leader in rimfire velocity, the .17 Hornady Magnum Rimfire (HMR). These two cartridges are based on the same case but use radically different bullets. Both were originally designed for use in rifles, and were quickly adapted to pistols. The single-action 'convertible' revolver, supplied with two cylinders (.22 LR and .22 WMR or .17 M2 and .17 HMR), lets handgunners shoot two cartridges from the same pistol.
Wheel of fortune online game slots. This comparison is a natural, as both cartridges are chambered in the same types of firearms and are used for small game hunting and short to medium range varmint shooting. For use in revolvers, the .22 WMR is probably the more versatile cartridge, as its heavier bullet hits harder at normal handgun ranges. But in the longer barrel of a rifle, the issue is in doubt. Which is the king of the rimfire rifle cartridges?
The .22 WMR
Winchester (Olin) designed an entirely new and larger case when they introduced their .22 Magnum. Unlike the previous .22 Long Rifle, the Magnum is based on a longer (1.052') and fatter (.241' tapering to .240') case with a rim diameter of .291'. And the bullet is a full .224' diameter, like modern centerfire .22 bullets. In form, the .22 WMR case remains a straight sided, rimfire type with a cartridge overall length (COL) of approximately 1.350'. The maximum chamber pressure is around 25,600 psi.
The new bullet weighed 40 grains, the same as the .22 LR bullet, but it was a true jacketed bullet, available in jacketed hollow point (JHP) and full metal jacket (FMJ) forms. .22 WMR bullets are generally of flat point or round nose shape, although Remington offers a Pointed Soft Point bullet. The original catalog muzzle velocity (MV) from a rifle barrel was 2000 fps, or 1550 fps from a pistol barrel. RWS still advertises a 40 grain bullet at a MV of 2020 fps and ME of 360 ft. lbs.
The major U.S. manufacturers have since reduced the catalog velocity of the 40 grain bullet to 1910 fps (rifle) and 1480 fps (pistol). CCI, Federal, Remington, and Winchester all load ammunition with 40 grain bullets to this standard.
Over the years, practically every manufacturer who loads rimfire ammunition has adopted the .22 WMR and different loads have been introduced. In the U.S., CCI, Federal, Remington, RWS, Winchester, and probably others offer .22 WMR ammunition.
The original 40 grain bullet weight is still the most popular. But we now have higher velocity loads using lighter bullets, such as the CCI Maxi-Mag +V and Federal V-Shok offerings that advertise a 30 grain Speer TNT-HP bullet at a MV of 2200 fps from a rifle barrel. ATK CORP owns Federal, CCI, and Speer. In addition to their 40 grain JHP and PSP bullets, Remington loads a 33 grain V-Max boat-tail bullet at a MV of 2000 fps. And Winchester now offers a 34 grain JHP at a MV of 2120 fps.
And there are also .22 WMR loads using heavier bullets. Examples would be the Federal Game-Shok load that uses a 50 grain bullet at a MV of 1652 fps, and the Winchester 45 grain DynaPoint bullet at a MV of 1550 fps. These are rifle velocities.
The .17 HMR
The .17 HMR was the result of a joint project involving Hornady, Marlin, and Ruger. It was introduced in 2002 and has become the most successful cartridge introduction since the .22 WMR. The initial sales of 17 HMR rifles were so strong that the demand for ammunition far outstripped supply for the first couple of years. Hornady was the first supplier of .17 HMR ammunition, but within two years CCI, Federal, and Remington all adopted the caliber.
The .17 HMR is based on the .22 WMR case necked down to accept .172' bullets. It is a bottleneck rimfire case about 1.060' long. The rim diameter remains .291'. The chamber pressure and cartridge overall length are exactly the same as the .22 WMR, so any firearm that can be chambered for that cartridge can also be chambered for the .17 HMR. The success of the .17 HMR has been so overwhelming that most of them have been.
The original Hornady load drove a specially designed 17 grain V-Max bullet at a MV of 2550 fps and ME of 245 ft. lbs. This is a polymer-tipped, spire point, boat-tail bullet design. It is primarily a varmint bullet, designed to fragment in small animals and disintegrate if it hits a hard surface. In 2004 Hornady introduced a less destructive 20 grain XTP bullet at a MV of 2375 fps. This bullet is advertised as a controlled expansion, deeper penetrating bullet for small game and predator hunting.
Remington Premier brand .17 HMR ammunition also uses the Hornady V-Max bullet, with a gold plastic tip replacing Hornady's signature red plastic tip. Like the original Hornady load, the MV of the Remington Premier load is 2550 fps. And Federal loads the Hornady V-Max bullet, also at a MV of 2550 fps.
CCI and Federal introduced .17 HMR ammunition loaded with a 17 grain Speer TNT varmint bullet. This is a JHP spitzer bullet. Federal V-Shok ammunition claims a MV of 2550 fps, while the CCI version advertises a MV of 2500-2525 fps. In 2005, CCI announced a heavier 20 grain GamePoint controlled expansion bullet at a MV of 2375 fps.
Hornady's .17 HMR ammunition is loaded with great precision. It is intended to deliver 1 MOA or better groups at 100 yards. The other brands seem to have followed Hornady's lead in this matter. All of the .17 HMR ammunition that I have tested has proven to be very accurate.
The comparison
We will compare the .17 HMR and .22 WMR in terms of velocity, energy, trajectory, sectional density, bullet frontal area, killing power, and accuracy. But first we have to decide what loads to compare. One of the 'hottest' current .22 WMR loads is the Federal Premium V-Shok using a 30 grain Speer TNT-JHP bullet (load #P765). And, of course, the 'standard' .22 WMR load uses a JHP or FMJ bullet at a MV of 1910 fps and is available from most manufacturers.
In .17 HMR, the 17 grain Hornady V-Max bullet is loaded to identical ballistics in the Federal, Hornady and Remington brands. These remain the fastest, flattest shooting .17 HMR loads. Heavier bullets with better SD have appeared, the Hornady 20 grain XTP bullet being perhaps the best known of these. So those are the four loads I propose to compare, 17 and 20 grain bullets in .17 HMR and 30 and 40 grain bullets in .22 WMR.
Since rimfire cases are not reloadable, there is no reloading data. In some instances this seriously limits the ballistic and bullet information available, as we shall see. The figures that follow were taken from the Federal, Hornady, and Remington ammunition catalogs.
Here are the velocity numbers in feet-per-second at the muzzle, 50 yards, 100 yards, 150 yards (when available), and 200 yards (when available):
From these numbers it becomes clear just how much faster the .17 HMR really is. At 100 yards the difference amounts to 550 fps between the highest velocity loads for each caliber! Clearly, the .17 HMR is the undisputed speed king.
Velocity is an important factor in calculating kinetic energy, but so is bullet weight. We have already seen that the .17 HMR is by far the faster cartridge, but the .22 WMR shoots a far heavier bullet. Energy is important because it powers bullet expansion and penetration, and is a major factor in killing power.
Here is the energy of our comparison loads, in foot-pounds at the muzzle, 50 yards, 100 yards, 150 yards (when available), and 200 yards (when available):
Here we see a different story. The .22 WMR starts with about a 75 ft. lb. advantage in kinetic energy at the muzzle. At 50 yards the 40 grain .22 bullet is carrying about 45 more ft. Microsoft word and mac. lbs., and at 100 yards the 40 grain .22 bullet still has a 25 ft. lb. Fl studio vocal effects. advantage over the .17 bullets. At 150 yards the .17 HMR has an energy advantage of about 20 ft. lbs. over the 30 grain .22 bullet, and we have no figures for the 40 grain bullet beyond 100 yards.
What we can conclude from this is that the 40 grain .22 WMR load is the most powerful cartridge out to at least 100 yards, and beyond that adequate data is lacking. I would guess that the 40 grain .22 WMR bullet retains its energy advantage out to at least its maximum point blank range of about 125 yards.
Note that the energy of the 30 grain .22 bullet falls behind the 40 grain .22 bullet by 50 yards, and behind both .17 HMR loads by 100 yards. Also note that there is no practical difference in energy between the 17 and 20 grain .17 HMR bullets at any range.
High velocity has a big effect on trajectory, as does the ballistic coefficient of the bullet. Since the .17 HMR has the advantage in both areas, we can expect it to be the flatter shooting cartridge, and it is. Here are some factory figures based on a 100 yard zero and a line of sight 1.5' over bore (a scoped rifle):
As expected, the .17 HMR shoots considerably flatter than the .22 WMR. Perhaps not expected is that the original 17 grain HMR and 40 grain WMR bullets outperform the newer bullet options in each caliber. Perhaps the technicians that designed these cartridges knew what they were doing!
Another way to zero a rifle is to take advantage of its maximum point blank range (MPBR). In the case of a small game and varmint bullet, I like to limit the maximum rise of the bullet above the line of sight to 1.5' to avoid shooting over small targets. The distance at which the bullet falls 1.5' below the line of sight then becomes the MPBR. Here is some MPBR trajectory data for the top load in each caliber based on a bullet BC of .123 for.17 HMR and .100 for the .22 WMR:
The 17 grain .17 HMR load confers about 40 additional yards of range on the varmint and small game hunter. That is probably the most dramatic practical difference between the two cartridges.
Sectional density
Sectional density (SD) is a bullet's weight divided by the square of its diameter. It is important because a bullet of greater SD will penetrate deeper, all other factors being equal.
Of course, varmint bullets such as the .17 caliber, 17 grain V-Max bullet and .22 caliber, 30 grain TNT bullet are designed to fragment on impact, destroying the maximum amount of tissue in the very shallow bodies of small animals, rather than to penetrate deeply into larger animals. For these bullets and their intended game, SD can practically be ignored, since penetration is not an issue. I know from experience that the 40 grain JHP bullet that Winchester loads in their .22 WMR hunting loads also expands violently in animals as small as tree squirrels. This JHP bullet features a large exposed lead tip as well as a hollow point. It is not a controlled expansion bullet.
The 20 grain XTP bullet for the .17 HMR is a controlled expansion design, and this bullet has a SD of .097, which is extremely low. The FMJ version of the 40 grain .22 bullet does not expand at all and would undoubtedly give the deepest penetration of all the bullets compared here. It has a SD of .114, which while better than the 20 grain .17 HMR bullet, is still not impressive. Consider, for comparison, that a 90 grain .243 bullet, the lightest bullet in the smallest caliber normally chosen for deer hunting, has a SD of .217.
So, while the .22 WMR has an advantage in SD over the .17 HMR, it is clear that both cartridges were primarily designed for shooting small animals where penetration is not much of an issue.
Frontal area
Bullet frontal area (cross sectional area) is important because it is a factor in the diameter of the wound channel it makes. Of course, if a bullet fragments immediately after impact, its frontal area in the conventional sense ceases to exist. This is exactly what the 17 grain HMR and 30 grain WMR bullets are designed to do, and fragmentation is typical of varmint bullets in general.
Bullet frontal area is important when considering a controlled expansion or FMJ bullet intended to penetrate deeply. The frontal area of a .172' bullet is only 0.0232'. The frontal area of a .224' bullet is 0.0394'. The .22 is small, but the .17 is tiny! Advantage .22 WMR.
Killing power
Assuming a proper hit in the animal's vitals, killing power is determined by a complex of factors including (but not entirely limited to) the width and depth of the wound channel. This, in turn, is influenced by bullet energy, frontal area, sectional density, and expansion characteristics. In other words, it is a complicated matter that is still not entirely understood.
There have been many systems devised to compare the killing power of rifle cartridges, most of them by people with a pre-existing bias of one sort or another. The best and least biased of such systems of which I am aware is the Optimum Game Weight (OGW) formula devised by Edward A. Matunas and published in the Lyman 47th Reloading Handbook. Matunas tried to account for a variety of factors, not just caliber or kinetic energy or momentum, the major failing of most killing power formulas.
Like all such systems, OGW is not perfect. I find that it seems to be most reliable when dealing with mainstream centerfire rifle cartridges on the order of the .243 Winchester, .270 Winchester, .30-06, and .338 Win. Mag. Since we are dealing with much less powerful small bore cartridges in this comparison, I suggest that we view the following OGW information as a comparative tool, not as an absolute guide. That, in any case, is usually the best approach when dealing with killing power formulas.
The OGW figure estimates the optimum live weight of the animal for which the cartridge is best suited at any given range. Note that the OGW weight is not the biggest animal the cartridge will kill, merely the optimum size animal for that range. Also note that individual bullet performance is not a factor in calculating optimum game weight; it is assumed that the hunter will choose an appropriate bullet for the job at hand. And it is also assumed that the bullet will hit the heart/lung area of the animal; brain or spine shots would obviously result in much higher OGW numbers, but they are not considered. Here are our two best long range loads for OGW comparison:
The OGW figures indicate that the .22 WMR has superior potential killing power at all ranges. We could summarize by saying that the .22 WMR has about as much killing power at 100 yards as the .17 HMR does at 50 yards. Since its MPBR is limited to about 125 yards, the .22 WMR is probably the better choice for large varmints and small predators within the limit of its MPBR. Beyond the MPBR, accurate bullet placement becomes increasingly difficult as the range increases, and bullet placement is the most important factor in actual killing power.
Accuracy is not usually a factor in cartridge comparisons. Generally, two comparable rifle cartridges will deliver similar accuracy when loaded with equal care and fired in equally well-tuned rifles. The cartridge itself normally has little influence on the practical accuracy of hunting rifles.
But rimfire cartridges cannot be reloaded, so the quality control and manufacturing standards established by the ammo maker are of critical importance. I mention this simply because the standard of accuracy we have observed in the course of testing .17 HMR rifles and ammunition at Guns and Shooting Online is exceptionally high.
I know of no other rimfire hunting cartridge as accurate as the .17 HMR. We have consistently shot 1' or smaller 3-shot groups at 100 yards (sometimes much smaller) with off the shelf .17 HMR varmint rifles and ammunition loaded with Hornady 17 grain V-Max bullets. I'm talking about an average group size of less than 1 MOA. I find that to be extraordinary.
I have also owned and used enough .22 WMR rifles to know that they will seldom match that level of performance. I used to have a rather accurate Mossberg bolt action varmint rifle that would consistently shoot into about 1.5' at 100 yards if I did my part. That is as accurate as any .22 WMR rifle I have ever tested.
I am sure that the difference in accuracy observed between the two calibers is not due to the rifles, as many .22 WMR and .17 HMR rifles are actually the same models. I can only attribute the brilliant accuracy of the .17 HMR cartridge to the exceptionally high quality of factory loaded .17 HMR ammunition.
Of course, in one sense, the .22 WMR does not need to be as accurate as the .17 HMR. Remember that the .22 WMR has a MPBR of about 125 yards. If a given varmint has a 2' diameter vital area, a varmint rifle that shoots into 1.5 MOA is sufficiently accurate for its intended purpose within that MPBR.
A .17 HMR varmint rifle, on the other hand, with a MPBR of 165 yards, requires 1 MOA accuracy to stay in the vital area of the same size varmint at its maximum point blank range. In other words, due to its greater MPBR, a .17 HMR varmint rifle pretty much needs to shoot groups at 150 yards that are as small as those an acceptable .22 WMR varmint rifle shoots at 100 yards. The amazing thing is that they seem to do just that.
Summary and conclusion
The .17 HMR and .22 WMR are both useful varmint and small game cartridges. Ammunition and rifles for both are widely distributed and commonly available. Recoil and muzzle blast are low for both, particularly from a rifle. They are good cartridges for use in semi-populated areas.
.17 HMR ammunition is generally more expensive than .22 WMR ammunition, but the difference will not be an unbearable burden to most small game and varmint hunters. For inexpensive practice at the range, neither is in the price class of the .22 Long Rifle.
Used with proper ammunition, the .17 HMR has an advantage in velocity, trajectory, and accuracy. The .22 WMR has an advantage in energy, bullet frontal area, sectional density, and consequently killing power.
After researching and writing this article, I have reached a conclusion about these two cartridges. I would favor the .22 WMR for shooting small game and varmints within 100 yards, and the .17 HMR if shots often run much beyond that distance.
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Field Testing the 17 HMR
Field Testing the 17 HMR or 17HMR in a Thompson/CenterContender Carbine configuration and a CZ 452 Varmint rifle.
Left to right:
17 HMR Ammo | 17 HM2 Ammo | Contender Carbine | 17 HM2 Kit | 17 HMR Groups | Movie of Soda Pop Can | Impact on Steel | Bullets Sectioned | CZ 452 American | CZ 452 Varmint | Accuracy Statement | Ammo Comparison | Barrel Length vs Velocity | Trajectory Charts | Scope Elevation Clicks | Scope Height | MV > 2550 fps | Wind Deflection | Down Range Velocity | Down Range Energy | Recoil Table | Penetration Tests | Beautiful Rifles | 17 HMR Components | Ground Squirrels Day 1 | Ground Squirrels Day 2 | Walk a Fine Line | |
The 17 HMR (Hornady Magnum Rimfire) ammo has a 17 gr.hollow point (filled with polycarbonate) boat tail bullet with a 0.172'diameter and delivers a muzzle velocity of about 2550 fps (depending on thebarrel length). There is 5.4 gr of what looks like Lil' Gun powder. The muzzleenergy is 245 ft-lb and with a 1-10' twist, the bullet is spinning at183,500 rpm. A typical 22 Long Rifle cartridge has a bullet weight of 40 gr. ormore than twice the mass of the 17 HMR. I got my ammo, at MidsouthShooters Supply.
FIRST MENTION.. Probably the first mention of the 17HMR in a publication in 1992. Clickhere and scroll down to the bottom of the page.
17 HMR and 17 HM2 ammo listed at Midsouth Shooters Supply. |
17 HM2 Ammo
Ammo ordered: Ammo for testing. I have received the 17 HM2 ammo and done some preliminary testing. . I ordered one of the 10/22 barrel kits in 17 HM2 from EABCO. I opted for the full bull in stainless steel barrel. After shooting the 17 HMR, I am not very much impressed with the 17 HM2. I haven't done extensive testing, but group sizes were about 1.5 MOA. That is good enough to hit ground squirrels out to about 125 yards. But about half of the grounds squirrels hit with the 17 HM2 are able to crawl to their holes. That doesn't happen very frequently with the 17 HMR. I would rather pay a little more for the 17 HMR ammo and have the extra muzzle velocity. |
THE 17 HMR.. This 17 HMR is a Stainless Steel T/C Contender Carbinewith a BullberryStainless Steel barrel, Full Bull contour, 0.810' diameter, 22' longand bead blasted to eliminate the shine. The wood is 'Utility Grade'with the epoxy finish also from Bullberryand the forearm is 12' long and is the target or beaver tail design. Thebase is a 92A Weaver base. The Rings are the KWIK-SITE KS-WEV-H rings and thescope is a 15X by 40mm Weaver CKT-15. Fred Smith at Bullberry reamed the chamberwith minimum dimensions for better accuracy. Click herefor a large picture of the rifle. There is a 17 Caliber Forum at the RimFireCentral.compage that has good info on the 17 HMR.
HANDGUNS.. The 17 HMR caliber is accurate in handgunstoo. See the FreedomArms Model 97 in .17 HMR Excellent review of this fine handgun by JeffQuinn. See the Taurus.17 HMR Tracker Revolver also reviewed by Jeff Quinn.
Taurusmakes a whole line of 17 HMR revolvers.
FIELD TESTING.. I was up at my Mountain Cabin testing the 17 HMR. Here isthe info on 11 groups shot at 100 yards. Each group was 5 shots. I am not soldon EEZOX as being a good barrel cleaning preparation. Dale was helping me withthe photos and group shooting. So far, the 17 HMR is a better than MOAcaliber in my barrel if I clean with Sweet's 7.62 until there is no more sign ofcopper. Then I finish cleaning with Shooters Choice MC#7/Kroil (half&half)mix. The groups were shot from a solid benchrest with a front adjustable restand a sandbag rear rest. The temperature was about 75ºF.
Group No. | Shooter | Group Size (in) | Comments |
1 | Al | 1.45 | Starting with a clean barrel. About 100 rounds through the barrel. Only cleaned with EEZOX. |
2 | Al | 1.17 | Variable winds, 3-5 mph, for Groups 1 - 6 |
3 | Al | 1.5 | |
4 | Al | 0.71 | Cleaned with Sweet's 7.62 then cleaned with Shooters Choice MC#7/Kroil (half & half) mix |
5 | Al | 1.07 | |
6 | Al | 1.03 | |
7 | Dale | 0.91 | Day 2. Calm winds for Groups 7 - 11 |
8 | Dale | 0.83 | |
9 | Al | 0.73 | Shooting over the Chrony |
10 | Dale | 0.59 | |
11 | Dale | 1.06 | |
Average | 1.005 | Overall average group size Min=0.59 Max=1.5 | |
Average | 0.866 | Average with no wind & after cleaning with Sweet's 7.62 & SC/K Min=0.59 Max=1.07 |
Some of the groups. The actual size of the square with thecircular center is 0.980' on a side. With the
chest area of a ground squirrel measuring about 3.5' in diameter, every oneof the rounds below would
have landed in the lethal area of a ground squirrel at 100 yards and beyond.
Velocity Measurements for Groups 9-11
17 Hornady Magnum Rimfire velocity measurements 22' Bullberry Barrel. 3/31/2 Chrony about 15' in front of the muzzle (fps) | |||
Group 9 | Group 10 | Group 11 | Combined Statistics |
2591 2621 2645 2584 2591 | 2532 2571 2590 2561 2602 | 2604 2584 2595 2626 2611 | Mean = 2594 fps Standard Deviation=26.5 fps |
Dale is shooting a group with the 17 HMR caliber T/C Contender.
Diet Coke can full of water hit with the 17 HMR.
View the Movie Clip. It is quite impressive.
MOVIE CLIP.. Here is a movie clip of the 17 HMR hittinga Diet Coke can, filled with water, at a distance of about 30 yards. You arewelcome to download the file and use it as you like. It is interesting to playit in slow motion. Here is the link to the movie clip - Download now: 17hmr.wmv(380Kb) in Windows Media Video format. If you would like a copy of the movieclip in the old Quick Time format, download you stop the action and view the single frame just before the can is hit, Ithink you can see the bullet about to hit the can. The top picture is the firstframe after the hit and the second picture is the Diet Coke can showing thedamage after the hit. There was no exit 'wound'. The movie clip wastaken with an Olympus C-700 camera.
The Coke can after the impact.
Here is the impact crater from a 17 HMR on a 3/4' steel plate at about 30yards. The lower impact
was a 270 Win from close range a few years ago.
Hit a steel I-Beam at 296 yards. The 17 HMR bullet impacts the steel and weldsitself
to the steel surface. Dale tried to scrape the little 17 cal bullet off theplate, but he
was just cutting into the copper base and couldn't remove it.
IMPACT CRATER.. This is an impact crater in damp sandy soil at about135 yards. The crater is about 3/4' in diameter and about 1' deep. Youcan see some of the red plastic from the nose tip. I used the camera's flash sothe bottom of the crater would be visible in the picture. I dug the jacket onthe left out of the crater. A second impact that I didn't get in good focusproduced the jacket and red plastic pieces. These little bullets are quitefrangible. I don't think you will have any ricochets and hear any of theselittle guys go Zinnnng! Over 200 rounds on nearly flat terrain and I have notheard a single ricochet.
UNIFORM CROWN.. The people at Bullberry suggested that I use EEZOX onthe barrel. I cleaned it before shooting with EEZOX. Then I cleaned it againafter 50 rounds and here is a view after 100 rounds. Here is a picture of the11° recessed crown. This shows marks from the EEZOX and powder after about 100rounds have been fired. The uniformity of the pattern indicates a very well madeand uniform crown.
Dale sectioned a 25 gr .172 Hornady Hollow point and a 17 HMR bullet.
The CCI ammo finally arrived. Here is a comparison between the Hornady and CCIammo. Dale took these
pictures. It appears that the jacket is slightly thicker in the CCI ammo and thehollow point is much smaller
than it is in the Hornady ammo, assuming the plastic adds very little strength.The first few ground squirrels
shot with the CCI ammo crawled away from good hits. The bullets penetratedcompletely and appear to
be less destructive/frangible as the Hornady bullets.
Here are three 100 yard 5 shot groups shot in the order shownwithout barrel cleaning.
Light variable wind of ~5 mph from left to right
The accuracy of the CCI ammo, in my rifle, is very similar to the Hornady ammo.
Note: The square is 1.0' on a side
CCI ammo. Measured 0.848' | Hornady ammo. Measured 0.858' | CCI ammo. Measured 0.688' One hole in the black |
Rifle and scope on my concrete benchrest up at my mountain cabin.
Scope is a Tasco 4-16X by 40 mm TR mounted with Warne Rings.
CZ 452 AMERICAN.. First impressions. The machine worklooks very well done. The fit and finish on the metal looks good. The barreltouched the right side of the stock and there was a noticeable gap on the leftside. I opened up the barrel channel to completely free float the barrel. Imounted a Tasco 4-16X by 40mm TR scope and am using the 'G' yardagering. It is very close to the bullet drop info out to 250 yards. The'G' Drum is for a 30/30 Win shooting 170 gr factory bullets. I kissedthe crown with my spherical grinding stone. It was very good to start with andin about 2 or 3 minutes of turning it very lightly by hand, the crown cleaned upnicely. I also adjusted the trigger down to 2.5 lb, but it still has noticeablecreep. I will work on that later.
Drum Click Count for the Tasco 4-16X by 40mm TR Scope
for 150 to 500 yards.
Drum | 150 | 200 | 250 | 300 | 350 | 400 | 450 | 500 |
F | 1.5 | 4 | 7 | 10 | 15 | 19 | 24 | 29 |
E | 2 | 4 | 7 | 11 | 17 | 24 | 28 | 33 |
C | 2 | 5 | 9 | 14 | 19 | 25 | 31 | 39 |
D | 3 | 7 | 12 | 17 | 23 | 29 | 37 | 45 |
B | 2 | 5 | 10 | 16 | 23 | 30 | 39 | 48 |
A | 5 | 9 | 15 | 22 | 29 | 37 | 45 | |
G | 6 | 14 | 25 | 39 |
I use Drum D on my 243Win caliber with 100 gr bullets.
I use Drum G on my 17 HMR with the 17 grHornady ammo.
Here is a scanned view of the Range Drum Tables
for the scope. ClickHere.
The 50 yard 5 shot proof target from the factory measured0.8' and showed lateral dispersion which would be expected with the barreltouching the stock on the right side.
Five shot groups with the CZ 452 American Rifle at 100 yardswith the Hornady ammo.
The average group size for 5 groups is 0.714'.
A typical group with the early CCI ammo.
This group measured about 1.3' and obviously the CZ 452 American didn'tperform well with the CCI ammo.
CZ 452 VARMINT.. Here is my CZ 452 Varmint in 17 HMR. It is a tackdriver. The varmint weight barrel is 21' long from the muzzle to thebolt-face. The scope is a Weaver V24 with a Mil Dot reticule. The crosshairs anddots are quite large. I would rather have had the fine duplex with a fine dot,but thought I would try a Mil Dot. The rings are the BKL3/8' Dovetail Model 257-A rings. They were quite reasonably priced forthe good quality. They make a very solid and sturdy mount. After mounting thescope, on the first outing, I sighted in on a cardboard box and startedcontrolling the ground squirrels that were drilling holes in the Island's levee.I went 19 straight without a miss. I haven't shot the rifle from a benchrestyet. But all indications are that it will group very well. The factory stock hasreally very striking wood grain. The factory finish doesn't bring out the fiddleback figure like a good stock finish would. I usually leave the scope setat 18X for most ground squirrel shooting.
The square is 1.25' on a side.
I was finally able to put this rifle on the benchrest and shoot5 shot groups at 100 yards with the Hornady ammo. The scope was left on18X power. The first group out of a clean barrel was about 3/4' high, butit settled in on the second group. I quit wasting ammo and didn't even take thescope caps off and decided that this was good enough! No wonder I was doing sowell on ground squirrels with it.
Table of 20 shots with the CZ 452 Varmint rifle and theHornady ammo.
Statistics of the velocity data.
The 21' barrel on the CZ 452 Varmint rifle delivers anaverage velocity of 2647 fps with the Hornady ammo.
The curve is a normal distribution with the same mean and standard deviation asthe velocity data.
Originally posted on the Accurate Reloading Forum. Let me start by saying I do not own or shoot a .17 HMR of any make or model, so I am not grinding ANY axe here. |
I found this post on TheFirearms Forum
Originally Posted by Contenderizer I can't attest to the accuracy of the graphs, but they are very interesting. I have never been a fan of the 17s because of their poor terminal ballistics. Given my type of shooting - 50-100 yds - I think I did the right thing sticking to 22LR. |
Have fun! I felt the very same way. I had read about the 17, but yawned, until I shot a 17 HMR last week. All of my shooting of small game 'was' under 100 yds, but even out to 100 you had to really watch your range with a 22LR and adjust for it. Don't have to do that with a 17. Another problem is the 22LR bullets skipping off of everything, again not a problem with the 17. As far as clean kills, the 17 hands down over the 22LR. I have 20, 22LR rifles. I will now only hunt with one either using shorts or CB caps (very close range). All of my other hunting I was doing with a 22LR will now be done with a 17 HMR. I will still plink with my 22's, and teach others to shoot with them, but with less than a week shooting the 17 HMR, and just one day hunting with it, no way will I go back. What ever you do, DON'T EVER SHOOT A 17 HMR. What ever you thought you knew about 22 rim fires, and loved about them, will be lost forever. It's like dumping your wife for Miss America. Posted by R Long |
Ammo Comparison test with a Marlin 917V
Listed below are some tests groups that Kevinfrom South West Missouri fired on 8/23/06.
Distance: 100 Yards, 5 shot groups from a bench.
Gun: Marlin 917V, polished sear and trigger, lighter trigger spring,
Scope: Bushnell 4x12x40
Cleaning before each group: One wet patch with 50/50 Shooters Choice/Kroil thenone dry patch. No fowling shot.
Group | Group Size (in) | Mfg | Ammo |
A | 0.364 | Winchester | Supreme V-Max 17 gr |
B | 0.588 | Remington | PR17HM1 AccuTip-V 17 gr |
C | 0.594 | Hornady | 17 gr V-Max |
D | 1.040 | CCI | TNT HP 17 gr |
E | 1.069 | Hornady | 20 gr XTP |
Some young ground squirrels posing for the camera.
BallisticCalculations for the 17 HMR
Bullet ballistic coefficients found in literature and other
ballistic programs are listed at Standard Conditions.
This is what was used.
Elevation Sea Level
29.53 in Hg
59º F
78% Relative Humidity
Drop Table for the 17 HMR with zeros from 100 to 200 yards.
Drop Table for the 17 HMR with zeros from 50 to 100 yards.
Hornady 17 gr. 17 HMR MV=2550 | Hornady 17 gr. 17 HMR MV=2550 | Hornady 17 gr. 17 HM2 MV=2100 | Hornady 17 gr. 17 HM2 MV=2100 |
Click Size 0.125 Yard Drop Click 100 0.0 0 125 0.9 7 150 2.6 14 175 5.1 24 200 8.5 35 225 13.1 47 250 18.8 61 275 26.6 78 300 35.7 96 325 46.7 115 350 59.7 137 375 74.3 159 400 91.4 183 | Click Size 0.250 Yard Drop Click 100 0.0 0 125 0.9 4 150 2.6 7 175 5.1 12 200 8.5 18 225 13.1 24 250 18.8 31 275 26.6 39 300 35.7 48 325 46.7 58 350 59.7 69 375 74.3 80 400 91.4 92 | Click Size 0.125 Yard Drop Click 100 0.0 0 110 0.5 4 120 1.2 9 130 2.1 13 140 3.1 18 150 4.3 23 160 5.7 29 170 7.4 35 180 9.2 42 190 11.2 48 200 13.7 55 210 16.3 63 220 19.2 70 230 22.4 78 240 25.9 87 250 29.6 95 | Click Size 0.250 Yard Drop Click 100 0.0 0 110 0.5 2 120 1.2 5 130 2.1 7 140 3.1 9 150 4.3 12 160 5.7 15 170 7.4 18 180 9.2 21 190 11.2 24 200 13.7 28 210 16.3 32 220 19.2 35 230 22.4 39 240 25.9 44 250 29.6 48 |
HANDY TRAJECTORY PASTE ON.. Here is a handy drop andscope elevation click table you can print out and tape to your stock for longrange shooting with the 17 HMR and 17 HM2 Hornady ammo. This requires that youhave your rifle zeroed for 100 yards. Select the list with the correct sizeelevation clicks for your scope. The distance is in yards and the drop is ininches below the line of sight. The click are rounded to the nearest click. Mostscopes have either a 0.125 or 0.25 inch click size. Some scopes have a 0.250Minute of Angle (MOA) click size. One MOA is about 1.0472 inches and 0.25 MOA is0.261 inches or a difference of only about 4%. The scope height was 1.5 inchesfor all these tables.
Hornady XTP 20 gr. 17 HMR MV=2375 | Hornady XTP 20 gr. 17 HMR MV=2375 |
Click Size 0.125 Yard Drop Click 100 0.0 0 125 1.2 8 150 3.2 17 175 6.1 28 200 10.2 41 225 15.3 55 250 22.6 73 275 31.2 91 300 41.7 112 325 54.1 134 350 68.3 157 375 84.9 182 400 103.7 208 | Click Size 0.250 Yard Drop Click 100 0.0 0 125 1.2 4 150 3.2 9 175 6.1 14 200 10.2 21 225 15.3 28 250 22.6 37 275 31.2 46 300 41.7 56 325 54.1 67 350 68.3 79 375 84.9 91 400 103.7 104 |
SCOPE HEIGHT.. The scopeheight is the distance between the rifle's bore axis and the scope's axis.
The easiest way I have found to measure the scope height on a bolt action rifleis:
A = One half the Bolt diameter
B = One half the Scope's tube diameter (where the scope rings are).
C = Distance between the top of the Bolt and the Bottom of the Scope.
Scope Height = A+B+C
SCOPE HEIGHT vs TRAJECTORY.. This chart shows the small variation intrajectory for scope heights from 1.25 to 2.0 inches.
Notice that at 300 yards, the difference between a scope height of 1.25 and 2.00inches only results in a difference of 1.50 inches
in the Point of Impact. For most scope heights the calculations at a scopeheight of 1.5 inches should be very close to any
reasonable scope height.
Some people are getting higher velocities out of their 17 HMR rifles than theadvertised 2550 fps.
Here is a chart to show the bullet drop for a range of muzzle velocities form2550 fps to 3050 fps.
I added the muzzle velocity of 4000 for comparison of what might be achievedwith the 17 Ackley Hornet.
Comparison between the 17 HMR, 17 HM2 and a22 LR.
Comparison between the 17 HMR 17 and 20 gr ammo. The 20 gr XTP bullet's BC wasback
calculated from Hornady's trajectory chart. I included the 17 HM2. Using themuzzle velocity quoted by
Hornady and the muzzle energy, it indicated that the 17 HM2 uses the same bulletas the 17 HMR.
LOSE 66.5 YARDS WITH THE 17 HM2.. Notice that the 17 HM2 velocityis similar to the 17 HMR velocity after the 17 HMR has traveled about 66.5yards. Or in other words, the 17 HMR gains you about 66.5 yards over the 17 HM2.With the 17 HM2 you have to move 66.5 yards closer to the target to beequivalent to the 17 HMR. Assuming a 1-9' twist, the exception is that thespin velocity of the 17 HMR bullet will remain about 204,000 RPM (spin energy of0.44 ft-lb) down range and the 17 HM2 bullet will be 168,000 RPM (spin energy of0.30 ft-lb).
SOUND VELOCITY.. The velocity of sound in air isapproximately 1130 feet/sec. or 770 miles per hour at room temperature of 70 degF. The speed varies with the temperature of air, such that sound travels slowerat higher altitudes or on cold days.
Notice that the 17 HM2 energy curve would fall on the 17 HMR curve after about66.5 yards. Also note
that the 22 LR has more retained kinetic energy past 210 yards than any of the17's. But even with
the higher retained energy, you have to be able to hit the target for it toaccomplish anything.
This chart includes the 22 Mag 33 gr V-Max with a 2000 fps muzzle velocity.
Recoil Calculations for the 17HMR, 22-Hornet, 223 Rem and 243 Win shooting varmint bullets.
Notice the extremely low recoil from the 17 HMR. That is why the bullet impactscan be seen through the scope.
All 22 LR's were shot from 20 yards with Iron Sights (had a little overlap with the The Stinger was very impressive. American Eagle had deep penetration.
Greg's Penetration Test Hornady vs. CCI Ammo I am quite impressed with your website devoted to field testing of the 17HMR. I find this type of activity very interesting, as I too like to 'test' mechanical objects, weapons, etc. to determine penetration, etc. |
Since there is still a lot of controversy about the penetration ability of the .17 gr. V-Max bullet, thought I would do a little testing. I used 10 prickly pear pads as they are full of moisture and fiber and relatively tough and may come close to simulating muscle tissue.
Created at 2020-12-20 08:02
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